Grace & Clara and I (dad) created a game we play at home called the Steal Game. It evolved from horseback rides and other "climb on dad" games we play at home. The premise of the game is this; I steal one of the girls and the other girl chases after us around the main level of the house trying to catch me and save the stolen girl from the robber. Seems like a simple game, right? How it has gone from being just another chase game to an opportunity for me to identify each child's unique personalities is what makes it fun for me.
Take for example, Grace's technique. Once I steal Clara from Grace and start running around the house, Grace will attempt to chase after me immediately. She plays the game like a glorified version of tag. She relentlessly runs after me and laughs the whole time she does it. Grace will oftentimes get close enough to touch/tag me but will let me get away just to continue the game. For Grace, the fun is in the running around.
Clara, on the other hand, treats it more like a hunt. She will often run in the opposite direction in an attempt to cut me off from a different angle. One technique she employs is to stop moving entirely just so she can listen to my footsteps and attempt to determine what direction I am going in so she can cut me off. There have been many times we've played the game where I have turned a corner only to see Clara waiting for me.
Someday they will be too big to play this game both physically and emotionally. But for now, I know what to do when I hear one of them say, "daddy, steal me".